Food Services

Providing Access to Healthy Food Options

Our goal for Food Services at KSM is to provide families with access to healthy, nutritious, and culturally sensitive food options consistently. We rely on the support of community partners, donors, and local producers to ensure that the shelves in the market stay stocked and clients are empowered to make informed eating choices for themselves and their families supporting their physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. We also seek to partner with other organizations in the region to contribute to and benefit the food system overall working to ensure that healthy food is available, accessible, and applicable to everyone who needs it.

  • We engage people in making healthy eating choices regularly.
  • We connect people to food programs that cater to their wants and their needs.
  • We inspire people to achieve more for themselves by supporting their basic need for food.

Our Food Service Programs Include...

Believing that fresh nutritious food is critical to the health and welfare of a family KSM continues to work with the greater community to access and distribute healthy food options for families in need.

One of our goals at KSM is to provide families with consistent, healthy food to help increase their well-being. Our Choose Fresh program does just that!

Kerr Street Mission is not just a food bank. We provide care and community support for those who are in need, and sometimes that means we need to go beyond our doors to feed our neighbours.

Eating together has become an integral part of what we do. Gathering around the table, sharing food, conversation and time together is a wonderful way to connect people and build community.

Community meals are one of the highlights for our families, but due to COVID-19 we had to move away from our sit down community meals to a “take-out” model.

Food brings people together, and so does gardening. Learning and growing together in a community garden fosters an inspiring space where people can develop meaningful connections and skills while younger generations are empowered to take ownership of establishing more sustainable and food-secure communities.

Do you have a concern or complaint?

The Kerr Street Market is committed to providing excellent service. We recognize that from time to time there may be inquiries, concerns or complaints and we believe that our stakeholders have the right to tell us about them. To share your feedback please contact the Food Banks Canada Customer Experience
Hotline at 1.877.280.0329 or

How important are our Food Service Programs to our community? A client recently shared how our market, meals and Choose Fresh saved their life! A year ago they were not eating well and were having mental health issues. On top of that, they were struggling financially and overwhelmed by their increased debt. After registering for KSM’s Food Market and Choose Fresh program they began eating healthy nutritious meals more regularly. This has improved their mental health so much they finally feel ready and able to tackle their debt. They have met with John in the CAP Debt Centre to begin the process.

A year ago I wouldn’t have been able to even consider working on my debt but because I’m taking care of physical health and eating right my mental health is better and now I feel ready to tackle debt.

– KSM Client

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For more information, please contact us at 905-845-7485.


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