Child and Youth Development
Equipping Children and Youth for Success
KSM is committed to caring for children and youth. We work hard to provide opportunities for development for children and youth, so they are equipped for success.
- We engage children and youth with a variety of fun and stimulating activities in a safe environment.
- We connect children and youth to opportunities that foster learning and friendships between their peers and adults.
- We inspire children by providing love, support and encouragement; and youth with opportunities and responsibilities that will help them see their world differently.
Our Children and Youth Programs Include...
Kids’ Clubs is a fun and engaging program where children have the chance to partake in programs that focus on creativity, hands-on learning and sports and games.
Students grade 6 through high school are warmly welcomed into a community where they will be accepted, encouraged and challenged by our staff, volunteers and their peers. We have various programs running through the week. Everyone is welcome!
The LIT program at KSM is an opportunity for high school students to gain experience as leaders within our Kids’ Clubs program. Along with practical experience leading the kids they will also receive bi-weekly leadership training from leadership professionals.
Kerr Street Summer Programs provides three options and opportunities for children and youth aged 5–17 to participate in a great, structured full day program that focuses on fun positive, developmentally appropriate activities.
Here is how our Core and Partner Programs fit together
and form our Child and Youth Development Strategy.

Here is how our Core and Partner Programs fit together and form our Child and Youth Development Strategy.

Krista is 10 years old and has been attending KSAP for three years. Her father passed away and her single mother cares for her and her younger siblings alone. When Krista came to KSM she was having many emotional and behavioural problems and struggled with feeling alone. It has been a long road of gaining her trust by showing we are committed to helping her through it all. We’re happy to say that Krista is working hard to remain calm when she gets upset.
She now knows that she can work through her emotions in much healthier ways. She is a leader to the younger children and has truly flourished under KSAP’s care. Her mom says that the program has “turned her back into a little girl.”
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